A Declaration for the Future of the Internet in DiariolaLey
Following the recent signing by the EU and the United States, along with 32 other countries, of the Declaration on the Future of the Internet, Carlos Fernández Hernández takes up the key points of the document, which advocates an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet, in line with the commitment to protect and respect human rights online and throughout the digital world.
Pablo García Mexía, together with Moisés Barrio Andrés, analyzes the content of the Declaration.
For more information: https://diariolaley.laleynext.es/Content/Documento.aspx?params=H4sIAAAAAAAEAMtMSbF1jTAAAkNzQwNjQ7Wy1KLizPw8WyMDIyMDUwNjtbz8lNQQF2fb0ryU1LTMvNQUkJLMtEqX_OSQyoJU27TEnOJUtdSk_PxsFJPiYSYAAJnE31VjAAAAWKE